Sascha Putri had curated a short film called ‘In My World’ (written & directed by sascha a. putri herself and starring abigail purba)
here’s the youtube link –
and another one she did a few months ago called ‘The Pursuit of Time’ also written and directed by her! –
She had also wrote the story to a jukebox musical called ‘Beneath It All’ few months back that opened in British School Jakarta as its first student led musical!
here’s the link to a couple of videos about it –
Link to the full show:
Serena Li, 8th Grader (Living in Palo Alto): Dance has always been a big part of my life for the past 6 years. I love dancing because I can express myself freely on stage or in class.
Ayra Matondang is a 16-year-old attending Tunas Muda School. She is an aspiring film photographer.
Photos by Ayra, titled “EAST COAST ON FILM”: (more photos by her are available on the ‘photography’ tab)
Cami is a seventh grader attending the British School Jakarta. She is extremely passionate for the arts, as featured in the last issue, now focusing more on her film photography as shown below.
Matthew Sutanto is a sophomore playing on the Jakarta Intercultural School IASAS Basketball roster. Since he was young, he had always seen his father play basketball. This had inspired him to play as he aspires to make his own father proud. by Carolene Adeline – is committed to providing high quality treats for people of all ages. Other than that, it is also a fundraising platform curated to improve the lives of individuals affected by COVID-19. Proceeds are used to pay the monthly school fee of several local children with parents who are unable to afford it. For more information, check out their Instagram page!
Thipop Promlikitchai (Bangkok, Thailand): This month’s feature. Read his article here:
Corrie Jessica is an aspiring singer, attending Jakarta Intercultural School. Find more on her singing on
Cami is a seventh grader attending the British School Jakarta. She is passionate for art and utilizes various styles towards her likings, such as water color and simple pen sketches.
Liam is a soccer player from Washington, United States. He is a current sophomore.
Dance is a creative outlet that is so diverse in many aspects. It can range from being a mode of expression that allows one to speak without words, to being something that everyone can do just for the fun of it. I love it simply because it allows me to push my limits without having to be too hard on myself. – Gillian Soekawan
For more dance videos by Gillian, feel free to click on the link.